The Penn State Alumni Association

What’s been happening:

Since my official retirement from the Rio de Janeiro University (UFRJ), I had been at COPPE (Coordination of Graduate Programs in Engineering/UFRJ), with only graduate teaching, and research. In 2003, I closed my laboratory and office at COPPE, and have been working a lot, associated to some of my ex-M.Sc. and D.Sc. students, as Consultant, presenting at invited conferences, organizations of scientific meetings, and similar other ones. Recent three homages: a) from CNPq (The Brazilian Research Council) the honorifical title o EMERITUS RESEARCHER, title created at the celebration of the 55th Anniversary of the CNPq, in recognition and to stimulate Brazilian researchers with significant contribution in the fields of science and technology, and for his (her) scientific creation, and for his (her) name at the scientific community. I was the only woman, at this year 2006; b) In Dec. 3, 2008, two homages from Federal Univ. of Rio de Janeiro, Tribute of COPPE/UFRJ: Trophy, for her major contribution in its 45 years, highlighting her oil test identifying proximity of oil to rocks.. c) Tribute of IQ/UFRJ: silver plate, "Our recognition of his valuable contribution to the Graduate Studies in Chemistry in Brazil", in commemoration of 45 Years of Post-Graduate Studies in Chemistry in IQ/UFRJ., Inst. of Chem./UFRJ. Books practically ready for printing: a) "Fritz Feigl Atualidade de seu Legado Cientifico." b) Petroleo no Brasil. Pesquisas em 6.436.000 km2 em terra mais 4.400.000 km2 na Amazonia Azul.